An iNtelligent OBstacle Elusion led by TO.TEM S.r.l. from Italy working in collision avoidance in Robotics.
An APP for zeRO defects in manufacturing led by Agic Innovation from Italy dealing with defect detection in the Manufacturing industry.
An AI@Edge solution for assessing remote vital signs led by Promptly - Software Solutions For Health Measures from Portugal, looking to solve remote vital signs challenge in the Health sector.
An AI driven heart rate detection led by ContentPro AG from Germany working to solve heart rate detection challenges in the Health industry.
An AI-based manufacturing defect detection at the edge led by the University of Glasgow that aim to solve defect detection challenge in the Manufacturing industry.
A VI_Defect led by SAS PRESTE from France dealing with defect detection in the Manufacturing industry.
A sustainable pipeline for low-resources keyword spotting tasks led by Depthen SRL from Belgium dedicated to deal with Keyword spotting challenges in Robotics.
A 6DOF posE estimation for bin picking led by Moverse I.K.E. from Greece dealing with object detection in Manufacturing.
An AI-based Body Part tracking for Driver Monitoring led by AC CODEWHEEL LTD from Cyprus willing to solve challenges of body part tracking in the Automotive Industry.
An AI based edge solution for surface quality control led by Video Systems Srl from Italy in the quest to solve defect detection challenges in Manufacturing.