Meet the 10 winner AI Talents

Meet the 10 winner AI Talents

BonsAPPs progresses 10 winners from AI Talent Group to stage 2 of innovation cycle

Accelerated by an EU-backed fund aimed at bolstering Europe’s Fourth Industrial Revolution competitive advantage, the ten teams selected from across Europe will seek to deploy new AI-enabled methodologies

The BonsAPP’s first Open Call aimed to select AI Talents (Researchers, PhDs/Postdocs, Engineers/Developers, Data scientists) that would apply the tools and services available on Bonseyes Marketplace to develop novel AI Solutions and solve Industry Challenges. 30 AI Talents were selected to solve an industrial AI Challenge and each received up to €28,000 for their participation in Stage 1, during which they developed a first solution using the tools provided by BonsAPPs. They presented their results during the hackathon in Bologna, with over 80 attendees, and the best 10 AI Talents were selected to progress to Stage 2. During Stage 2, they will optimise their solution for deployment on embedded devices and receive an additional €42,000 in equity-free funding.

The ten finalists are active across four distinct industry sectors: automotive, robotics, manufacturing, and healthcare. They are:


1. CHEIRONOM, led by a team of 4 AI Talents from Greece in the quest to improve upon gesture recognition as a safety feature in the Automotive industry.

2. AUTO-MNET is striving to build MocapNETs (a high performance 2D to 3D single person pose estimator) for improved bodypart tracking in automotive applications, led by a team from Greece’s Foundation for Research and Tech. – Hellas (FORTH).

3. gAIze, an AI-enabled GAZE detection for lightweight driver monitoring systems that will allow AI systems in cars to know which on-screen element a person is looking at, led by Austrian-based VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research GmbH.


4. EENAKWS, an energy-efficient, noise-aware keyword spotting initiative for the robotics industry led by Zürich-based D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning.

5. AWoid, a project led by Italy’s Elif Lab srl that will solve challenges related to Context-Aware Artificial Intelligence for Collision Avoidance in the robotics industry.


6. 3Dlocator, by Spanish company LOGICMELT TECHNOLOGIES SL will develop novel solutions for object location in 3D space and other object detection challenges in the Manufacturing industry through the use of depth estimation networks.

7. MNE_OQC is led by 5 AI Talents from Montenegro and will seek to tackle high-speed defect detection in the Manufacturing industry using deep learning. methodologies.


8. Artificial, led by Artificialy SA from Switzerland, will attempt to solve the remote vital signs challenge in the Health Industry. 

9. PULSE, led by THINGENIOUS PC from Greece, this project will deal with heart rate detection and estimation in the Health industry via PPG and IMU signal fusion for heart rate estimation.

10. SensoBody, a project led by Portuguese-based SENSOMATT Lda. that will seek to come up with novel ways to create 3D body detection methods through 2D images.

In addition to funding, the program will provide teams guidance across seven different milestones over the course of the five month program. These milestones will focus on providing each project with insight into AI-enabled concepts that will allow them to deploy their projects successfully, solve difficult new problems as they emerge, and fine-tune new concepts for deployment in the future.

BonsAPPs will launch a second Open Call from August – October 2022 aimed at Low Tech SMEs who will define new high-value AI challenges and then deploy them as a reusable AI solution, to put Europe at the head of the pack in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence-enabled solutions. Longer term this validated process for AI challenges will be accessible as an ongoing commercial service on the Bonseyes Marketplace